Rootes Parts List
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87 page pdf Manual (2.2 Mb)
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A brand new addition to our site, The ORIGINAL Rootes Parts List Supplement for the Sunbeam "260", 2nd Issue, January, 1965. We are indebted to
Peter MacDonald, of Coquilam, BC, Canada for this gem, and the Rootes Racing Dept. Price List.
This Manual is specifically printed for the Factory, Distributor, and Dealer Service Department, and is meant to be added to the much larger existing Parts List for the Sunbeam Alpine. It lists EVERY part on the Tiger, where it was different than the Alpine. It includes detailed exploded parts views, as well as Rootes and, where applicable, the Original Equipment Manufacturer's part numbers. These include ALL Ford parts with the exception of the Ford Part Number for the right side exhaust manifold. This part was not used in any Ford product, and only contains the assigned Rootes number, if you are searching for the car from whence it came.
We wish to thank Chris Thompson for the considerable effort in translating this material into Adobe PDF files. There are 87 pages of material in this manual, which has been broken down into 22 "bite" sized PDF portions to allow you to examine just that section of parts and drawings you are concerned about.
The 2.2 Mb PDF file is suitable for printing, as well as on-screen browsing. It can easily be e-Mailed to a Kinko's printer for bound reproduction. Tell them it is PDF v 5.0.
The hot links below will present the individual sections shown in your Adobe PDF Reader within a new browser window, where it can be read, magnified, printed, saved, etc It includes a link to the complete "Parts List Index". These ARE hot links to initiate download for each section. PDF allows you to read it on your screen in great detail, or magnification, as well as save it to disk, or print it on your own printer.
These sections have been saved in Adobe's Acrobat Reader's .pdf format, available free from Adobe. If you do not already have the latest version,
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Parts List Hot Link Table of Contents of PDF sections.
(Hot Tip: These special pdf files were specially made with searchable text. This means that any download can be searched for any word(s). Your computers "Find" hot keys work [CTRL-F; CMD-F (Mac)] or better yet, those little binoculars in the Adobe top menu bar. The big set opens a search window. If the first result is not what you want, the little pair (with the bent arrow) will search the same input again.)