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Here is a picture with the large gasket attached to the adapter prior to installation. There has been some concern as whether this gasket will prevent the O-ring from making a tight seal to the block. Ive been watching for any leaks around the adapter and so far no problems. Not per Ford recommendations.
Note the hex center hole in the threaded adapter. This same adapter is used on both the filter end, and the block thread, so you do need two of them.

This Ford Motorsport aluminum SVO right angel filter adapter, M-6880-A50, is shown with the FRAM PH3600 in place. The Fram is smaller in diameter than the FL1A, which does fit as well. The design is different than the truck model, and has a large sealing surface on the mounting nut, which is not removed for filter changing.
Jim Boynton, with contributions by Mark L. (CoolVT) and your editor with their experiences with this adapter.
Note: stock exhaust manifolds, but I do understand that CAT has a reproduction of the "J.C. Whitney" headers in production that reportedly will allow this adapter.