Oil Filter Adapters
An Article by Jim Boynton as well as assists from Mark L. (CoolVT____email) and your editor.
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Remote the current remote stock oil filter adapter and keep all parts for possible new owner who might want to return the car to stock condition or sell on ebay for some outrageous sum.
Below is a list of parts that I used for installation of the Ford Adapter. I still clear the motor mount enough to prevent contact with the filter from engine torque. In fact I might have enough room to use the PH8A filter that is standard for the remote oil filter. But the PH3600 is used on a number of Ford Cars and for limited summer driving is more than sufficient.
Summit Racing Equipment SummitRacing 1-800-230-3030
FMS-M6880A50 Oil Filter Adapter $51.95

Note that this adapter has 2 O-rings. One where the adapter bolt attaches to the adapter itself and one where the adapter attaches to the block via the Insert.
From Ford dealer (What my dealer charged me.) The Nipple Insert that attaches the block and allows the filter adapter to screw on:

F1AZ-6890-B , Nipple Insert $ 7.16 Can also use Part #D1AZ-6890-A Insert from Mustang Parts Of Oklahoma (405-631-1400) $5.95. Mustang Parts Of Oklahoma
But Some Parts are from another Animal
There is major disagreement whether the next two gaskets are necessary with this new version from Ford with the O-rings. If you are using a right angle adapter without O-rings than these gaskets were designed for that unit, and can be purchased from independent suppliers. Ford does not stock them although my Ford dealer did order them from a supplier in Vermont. I used them because I had purchased them before the Adapter arrived from Summit. The small gasket seals the bolt that attaches the adapter to the block insert: #EAA-6749-A.
And the larger gasket that goes between the block and the adapter. #C5AZ6840-A, not the M6880-A-50!
Although I used both, there is a good deal of sentiment that this item actually intereferes with a proper O-ring seal, and it is neither Ford, nor my recommendation that it be used. Sometimes, belts and suspenders CAN cause your pants to end up around your ankles.