The Restoration of PRRROWL
TIGER # B382000221

An Article by John Crawley
March, 2001
Page 27
The Tiger's On Fire!
Yes, I almost lost it. I was using a trouble light and set it on the back carpet. This by itself was not good but I made it worse by dropped the front seat cushion on top of the light and trapping all the heat. The seat melted and the back carpet was in the glowing ember stage when I found it. The damage can be repaired but I came close to losing the car.
TIP: Beware! Trouble Lights are HOT! Use a 12-volt florescent tube trouble light. There are also florescent hand light fixtures with 110 VAC grounded power that include a protective bulb cover, soft plastic case and extra outlet, hanging hook and heavy duty cord available (batteries not included).
As an added precaution, it is strongly advised that a fresh fire extinguiser, suitable for automobile fires, be mounted within the driver's reach and serviced, or replaced, at manufacturer's recommended intervals. Cheap insurance.