The Restoration of PRRROWL
TIGER # B382000221

An Article by John Crawley
March, 2001
Page 21
Weather Stripping
I bought door opening weather stripping (Like CAT 4) from Sunbeam Specialties and was pleased with the product. The only part that bothered me was installing it. It held on O.K. on the bottom and up the front of the door but I tried everything that I could think of to get it to stay on the metal edging of the windshield frame. It kept coming off in some spots. I looked in my "junk" box and came up with a few clips that like those that hold the upholstery to the bottom rail on the TIGER seat. I slipped a couple of these on the spots were the stripping tended to come free. The weather stripping now had something to grip on and holds perfectly.
Glove Box & Door
The original glove box was made from cardboard which does not seem to make much sense in an open car especially since the glove box had no door.
Use the old paper glove box as a pattern to make a new box out of aluminum. This is not hard to do as all of the curves are simple and the original was designed to pop-rivet together. Cover the aluminum with thin black vinyl and it will take an expert to know the difference. If you are going to put a door on the glove cubby do not cut the finger slot out of the bottom of the glove box. A door may be made out of walnut burl to match the dash or you can make one out of 1/2 inch plywood and cover it with black vinyl or machine turned aluminum. Cover the edges with aluminum edging and hinge with a small piano type hinge.