The Restoration of PRRROWL
TIGER # B382000221

An Article by John Crawley
February, 2001
There are five basic steps to follow for anyone contemplating the purchase, restoration or maintenance of a TIGER. I am always amazed at how many people get thousands of dollars into a restoration and have never done even one of the following:
Step One: Get Internet Connected.
- If you are reading this on the site then you are now realizing the value of an internet and e-mail connection.
- Joint the TIGER list at <[email protected]> (See the"Links - Online Resources" on this site for step-by step instructions
- Gain access to the Tiger List Archives at:, which will give you access to the TIGER list archives.
- is the site for Norm Miller where you can find an incredible amount of information on TIGERs and how to authenticate that you have or are about to buy a REAL TIGER because beware there are FAKE TIGERS out there.
- Taking the time, effort and dollars necessary to getting connected will pay for itself before anything else. Do it first!
Step Two:
- Anyone contemplating the purchase, restoration or maintenance of a TIGER should JOIN CAT (California Association of Sunbeam TIGER Owners), STOA (Sunbeam Tiger Owner's Assosciation), TE/AE (Tiger's East/Alpines East) or a similar organization. The regional clubs around the world are listed in the "Clubs & Organizations" section..
Step Three:
- Meet and make connections with other TIGER and Alpine owners in your area. These friendships will be both fun and profitable. Do not go it alone.
Step Four:
- Buy as many books on TIGERS as you can including CAT's and TE/AE's Shop Notes and CAT's The Shop Notes Supplement copies of the parts book and a copy of the Shop Manual. The Gold Book on TIGERS is also a handy reference book. Seek out magazine articles on TIGERS as they are invaluable reference material. "TIGER Tips from the Restoration of PRRROWL" is NOT intended as a replacement of existing reference materials.
Step Five:
- Join and become active in a car club that is as close in interest to your car as you can find. If you do not have a TIGER club close by, join an English sports car club. If none are available, join an antique car club or even a Mustang or Hot Rod group. The contacts that you make will be the basis for the infrastructure that will guide and support you in your quest for a finished car. The best time to do this is before you even buy a car. Again, The regional clubs around the world are listed in the "Clubs & Organizations" section, or the "Regional Clubs" hot link below.
Anyone who would like to contribute to this effort should contact us at Editor E-Mail. Thank you. |