This Kit is designed and personally engineered by VIC EDELBROCK on behalf of INTERNATIONAL AUTO-
Edelbrock Hi-Riser Single Quad Manifold, providing the ultimate in performance together with:
Hi-Performance 4 barrel Holley Carburetor, with fitting
pieces, gaskets, and easy to follow instructions.
Vic Edelbrock's reaction after testing SUNBEAM TIGER, "you have got to drive it to believe it."
INFORMATION: Hi-riser-sweep around port design - balanced 180 degree firing order - exhaust heated.
We have received many complimentary remarks on this kit from Tiger owners especially in horsepower increase
and general all-round performance through the gears. A fast selling option unconditionally guaranteed. Com-
pletely engineered to accommodate smog device.
From International Automobiles Incorporated, Dated September 15, 1966, including spelling and grammar.
It should be noted that the "unconditionally guaranteed" statement should be taken in context with the Rootes Motors Incorporated Warranty, making you wonder which takes precedence?
Another interesting sidelight is that the illustration is NOT the Edelbrock manifold, which has dual slots, not 4 holes. This is probably the previous "TIGER" lettered artwork, of the Shelby/Benevides design, that has been "touched up" with the "Edelbrock" signature logo and the "F4B".
My personal experience with this kit is that it is as represented, and does provide noticeably improved performance, though the 'engineering to accommodate smog devices' did not appear to be present, and took a lot of doing with the original 465 CFM carburetor . A copy if the 'easy to follow' instructions' is in hand, and may be published at a later date. This document apparently describes the fitting of a low-rise manifold, with a water heated PCV tubed thick spacer, which , in no way, would fit a stock hood. To my knowledge, Edelbrock never made a low rise manifold for the Tiger. Solutions to this problem are in the Tech Tips portion of the site
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