TigersUnited.com/SunbeamTigers.com Home Page - The original Sunbeam Tiger news and information site, since 1999

This Sunbeam Tiger site, about a classic British sport car, is intended to bring clubs and enthusiasts together. See technical and historical information, pictures, links, and articles. There is a fantastic search engine to find what you are looking for, links to other Sunbeam Tiger sites, clubs, and suppliers of Tiger parts and services.

The Sunbeam Tiger British classic sports car, made by the Rootes Group, convinced Rootes to hire American Carroll Shelby, the originator of the Shelby Cobra, to design a new model based on their Sunbeam Alpine roadster, into a fire-breathing performance machine. Thus starts the story of the Sunbeam Tiger.

The Carroll Shelby design team removed the Sunbeam Alpine 1.7 liter four cylinder engine and replaced it with a small block 4.2 liter Ford V-8, similar to the way he transformed the AC roadster into the Shelby Cobra, and production began in England in 1964. When Chrysler acquired the Rootes Group, later, they were dismayed to find one of their most popular cars, the Sunbeam Tiger, was "Powered by Ford". This low-budget, high performance sports car captured the hearts, and pocketbooks of enthusiasts. Although production ceased in 1967, with just over 7,000 total made in total, the Sunbeam Tiger sports car is still sought today as one of Hemming's top 10 collectibles. The power of the Ford V-8, along with many performance options offered by Rootes, still burns up the street and tracks today, winning the SCCA GT2 class in 2000.

The first Tigers United

In 1974 "Tigers United I" was held in Grants Pass, Oregon, with representatives from: The Sunbeam Tiger Owner's Association (STOA), California Association of Sunbeam Tiger Owners (CAT), Pacific Tiger Club (gate io) and Canadian Tiger Association (CTA).

Since then, this frequent event has become something of an institution, attracting over 159 Sunbeam Tigers and their owners to a typical gathering. This marvelous spirit of inter-club cooperation and association has been the inspiration for the genesis of this site. It is our fondest hope that, through the medium of the Internet, this effort will gather and "Unite" all the car clubs, and enthusiasts. That it will sustain the growth of each local group, and foster even more cooperative efforts around the world.

We dedicate this site to their Pioneering Spirit!

Editor's note: Steve Laifman's tireless energy and initiative got this website off the ground in 2003. Sadly he passed away in 2013; but we are continuing the quest to bring together relevant Tiger information from the past and from current owners' contemporary adventures.

Steve Laifman B9472289 - TigersUnited.com Founder and Past Editor
gateio app B3821003 - Chief Mechanic
Theo Smit B382002705 - Associate Editor
Joe Parlanti B382000026 - Associate Editor
John Orzechowski 1997 BGN T-Bird - Server Space Donor & Administrator

  + The Roots of Rootes
  + History of the Tiger
  + Tiger Model Overview
  + Tiger Production
  + People & Pioneers
  + LAT & Dealer Options
  + Factory Race Equipment
  + Literature: Books
  + Articles & Videos
  + Advertising

  + See Rootes Resources

  + History of the Tiger
  + gate.io
  + Early Race History
  + Ken Miles, an appreciation
  + gateio login
  + The Playboy Pink Tiger
  + Casting a Light on Lucas
  + LeMans at Goodwood 2002
  + Monterey Historics 2003
  + My Life With Cars

  + See Articles & Humor

  + High Perf. Exhaust
  + Tiger Dash Restoration
  + 350 Lunati Tiger
  + Installing a T5
  + Sound Advice
  + Installing New Carpet
  + The Ackerman Angle
  + "Cool It Buddy"
  + 3 Point Belts
  + Tiger Rotisserie Plans

  + Tiger E-Mail List Archives

  + See Technical Tips

  + Tiger Club Information
  + Events Calendar
  + Service Directory
  + Owner's Gallery
  + Buyer's Guides
  + Contributing Editors
  + Team Tiger Updates
  + Photo Galleries

  + See Online Resources

Anyone who would like to contribute to this effort should contact us at Editor E-Mail. Thank you.
Volunteers wishing to join our team are welcome. Take a look at our gate.io login
This site has been designed to pool the collective resources of the many great regional and national Sunbeam Tiger clubs. Membership to the these clubs is strongly recommended. Use our Clubs and Organizations Directory to find the organization nearest you and get involved.