"Flashing" in Your Tiger!

An Article by Larry Paulick
March, 2002
Preface: Larry Paulick isn't all about fast cars, and fast women (Auto-X, of course), but has a previously undisclosed interest in "Flashing". No, not the kind you need a raincoat for, but may save you and your car in case of an engine problem. At one time I recall that "turn signals" meant sticking your arm out the window of your car. Now, Federal Law requires lights for turn signals. What a great idea. Another idea, whose time came after the Tiger, is the mandatory "Emergency Flasher" to blink all your turn signal lights in case of an engine failure, or any other failure that could cause you to be stopped in traffic or on the side of the road. Larry offers a neat solution.
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Emergency Flasher for the Tiger
I had an emergency flasher in my Tiger, installed 25 years ago, that finally gave up the ghost. In looking for a suitable replacement, I found a flasher from Lucas that was quality made, priced at about $65, and was available from British Victoria.
This flasher can be mounted through the dash, in either the Auxiliary Lamp Switch, to the far left of the dash, or in the empty hole, to the left of the Fuel Gauge. The hole size in the dash, is the same size as the flasher, so no further drilling has to be done.)

Dash Mount
Electrical hook up is also relativity simple. There are four wires. They are:

Electrical Hook-up
1. Hot (Purple), that is hooked to a battery source. I used the #1 spade on the ignition switch. This is terminal, with 2 spades, to which the Brown wire is attached. Test the terminal with a voltmeter, to insure that you have 12 v at all times.
2. Ground (Black), that is hooked to any good ground under the dash. I used a bolt on the dash support for the ground.
3. Right Hand Flasher Circuit (Green/White). I spliced into the Green/White wire coming off of the turn signal.
4. Left hand Flasher Circuit (Green/Red). I spliced into the Green/Red wire, coming off of the turn signal.
There are 2 other wires (Green/Brown) that are not used, and the excess wire can be cut and taped off.
The flasher come with enough wire, covered in plastic sheathing, so that you can use either hole in the dash to mount the flasher. The flasher has its own in-line fuse.
While the flasher comes with a black screw bezel, I used an old chrome bezel from an old switch, to match the rest of the dash switches.

Finished Installation
Note - Do no pay attention to the larger bezel in the photo, as this was a carryover from the old flasher, and was needed to fill the larger hole in the dash from the previous flasher.
To activate the flasher, you pull it, and then a red light inside the handle will flash red.
This is a simple installation that adds a good safety device to your car.